Ages of Initiation: The First Two Christian
With CD-ROM of Source Excerpts
Paul Turner
This CD-ROM contains those texts from New Testament times to the present that
document and comment on the reception of the sacraments of initiation. It also
tracks the circumstances which caused patterns of tradition to form and shift.
An accompanying booklet provides a summary of the information contained on the
CD-ROM and convenient cross-references that direct reader to the exact area on
the CD for more information. $14.95
The Awe- Inspiring Rites of Initiation
Second Edition Edward Yarnold Each period and step of the rite is
explained and compared to the fourth century rite after which the present one
was modeled. $14.95
The Christian Sacraments of Initiation
Baptism, Confirmation, Eucharist
Kenan B. Osborne, OFM
A contemporary theology of these three sacraments, surveying historical
development, theology today, and pastoral implications. $16.95
Hallelujah Highway
A History of the Catechumenate Paul Turner A history of the Catechumenate through
the stories of people and documents that played a significant role in developing
the rites from the earliest days of the Church to the present. Includes
quotations from the documents, maps and photos of significant places and
artifacts. $19.00
The Shape of Baptism
The Rite of Christian Initiation Aidan Kavanaugh The author stresses the Church’s
ongoing need to focus its efforts on its main
concern – the initiation of new members. $16.95
A National Plan and Strategy for Catholic
Evangelization in the United States
The U.S. bishops propose three goals for evangelization, recommend strategies,
and offers resources for proclaiming the story of salvation. $3.50 This title is not currently
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On Evangelization in the Modern World
Evangelii Nuntiandi) Pope Paul VI Apostolic Exhortation, December 8, 1975.
Transforming Parish Life
A Spirituality for the Twenty-First Century
Carol Gura
Helps to develop spiritual leadership in today’s parish through a parish
directional gathering, formulating a parish mission statement, actualizing a
pastoral plan, and experiencing a parish retreat. $15.95
Transforming Parish Life:
Reclaiming a Baptismal Mentality Carol Gura Book 2 in the Transforming Parish Life series, this
offers help for parishes aiming to evangelize the active Catholic, using the
principles of the RCIA. $15.95