Clearance Sale Descriptions 2
Catholic Customs
and Traditions A Popular Guide Greg Dues Dues traces the vast riches of the traditions, customs, and ritual practices of the Catholic experience. Original: $9.95 SALE: $6.00 |
Initiation of Adults Liturgy Documentary Series 10 NCCB, Secretariat for the Liturgy Part of the NCCB Documentary Series. Original: $5.95 SALE: $3.00
Confirmed as Children,
Affirmed as Teens James A. Wilde, editor With this book, parishes and dioceses can begin to establish customs and guidelines for the sacrament of Confirmation that respect both the tradition of the Church and the world of the young. Original: $5.95 SALE: $3.00 |
Catholic Prayers This little book is meant to be one help along the way of your journey of lifetime prayer. Original: $1.25 SALE: $.75 |
Come and See Videos: |
Creating the Evangelizing
Parish Frank DeSiano Challenges those who realize the importance of evangelization and are eager to make an impact on life in the Catholic Church today. Original: $11.95 SALE: $6.00
Treasures New and Old Traditions, Customs, and Practices Joanne Turpin This handbook explains many of the elements of Catholic culture and explores the changes in Church life since Vatican II. Original: $6.95 SALE: $3.50 |
Confirmation A Parish Celebration (First Edition) Timothy Fitzgerald With chapters on the word, music, ministers, and special aspects of this liturgy, this book provides a complete overview and all the steps needed to plan and celebrate Confirmation. Original: $12.00 SALE: $7.00 |
Experience the Mystery:
Pastoral Possibilities for Christian
Mystagogy David Regan, CSSp Regan examines the relationships among mystagogy, experience, the Word of God, liturgy, community, mystery, initiation, inculturation, Christian formation, and the work of the Spirit. Original: $11.95 SALE: $6.00 |
Foundations An Introduction to Faith in Our Time (revised) Kathleen R. Fischer and Thomas N. Hart This resource features an overview of the major issues in the Christian life that explains their basic and essential elements while trying to relate the Christian message to the conditions of modern life. Original: $13.95 SALE: $7.00 |
Confirmation Origins and Reform Aidan Kavanaugh, OSB Kavanaugh directs the reader through historical evidence of this sacrament to offer a new structure in which to view its origins and reform. Original: $12.95 SALE: $6.00
Gather Faithfully Together A Video Guide Based on the pastoral letter of Cardinal Roger Mahony, this video depicts a Mass as Vatican Council II intended it to be. Also available in Spanish. Original: $39.95 SALE: $25.00 |