Clearance Sale Descriptions 3

God Speaks to Us in Feeding Stories
Mary Ann Getty-Sullivan

Brings to life the biblical accounts of God as nourisher and provider. Reminds children that God speaks to us in our lives in ordibary ways. Hardcover. 
Original: $17.95
SALE: $10.00
God Speaks to Us in Water Stories

Mary Ann Getty-Sullivan

Shows how God connects with humans through one of the most powerful metaphors in the Bible—the cleansing, healing waters of baptism. Encourages children to see themselves in the Bible’s stories. Hardcover. Original: 17.95
SALE: $10.00
The Good Shepherd and the Child
A Joyful Journey

Sofia Cavalletti, Patrick Coulter, Gianna Gobbi, Silvana Montanaro
Provides a method for catechesis with three and four year olds that fosters a child's spirituality through a respect of the child's awe and wonder. Original: $17.95
SALE: $10.00
Purchase as a set for $22.00


Guide to the Revised Lectionary
Martin Connell

This resource is a good way for lectors and all parishioners to learn more about the lectionary and discuss its place in the liturgy. Original: $5.00
SALE: $2.50
Listening to God’s Word Series
Eileen Drilling and Judy Rothfork
Activities and Stories

Stories, questions, games, journaling exercises and prayers that center on the scripture stories of the Sunday lectionary readings.
Year A
SALE: $7.50
 Year B Original: $15.00
SALE: $7.50

Adult’s Journal

Simple, meaningful reflections and exercises that correspond to the Activities and Stories book. For teachers, parents and older children. 
Year A Original: $5.00
             SALE: $2.50
Year B Original: $5.00
              SALE: $2.50
Year C Original:$5.00
              SALE: $2.50

Child’s Journal

Simple but meaningful exercises for 8-12 year olds that correspond to the Activities and Stories book.
Year A Original: $5.00
            SALE: $2.50


Good Liturgy, Small Parishes
Linda Osborn

Osborn addresses the difficulties in implementing liturgical reform in parishes of a hundred or fewer households. Original: $12.00
SALE: $7.00
Jesus of the Gospels
Teacher, Storyteller, Friend, Messiah

Arthur E. Zannoni

This book explores who Jesus is as portrayed in the Gospels, wrestling with both his identity and his teachings. 
Original: $12.95
SALE: $6.50


Liturgies of Lament
J. Frank Henderson

How does a community respond to violence or disaster in ritual and in prayer? What do we say, what do we sing and what gestures do we make? Here is sensible and sensitive advice for using powerful prayer forms. Original: $11.95
SALE: $5.50


Guide for Lectors
Aelfred Rosser, OSB
Combines most essential elements of foundational works for understanding and performing this key ministry. Original: $5.00
SALE: $2.75
Journeybread for the Shadowlands: The Readings for the Rites of the Catechumenate, RCIA
Pamela Jackson

Scripture is a powerful tool for conversion and catechesis, especially when proclaimed in the context of a worshipping assembly. Reading and preaching of the Scripture passages during Christian initiation is therefore of profound significance. 
Original: $12.95
SALE: $6.00


Liturgy in a Multicultural Community
Mark R. Francis, CSV

What can the first generation of Christians, who dealt with cultural diversity in worship, teach us? How have US Catholics traditionally coped with multi-cultural tensions? How can we minister in the liturgy today in a multicultural parish? 

Original: $5.95
SALE: $2.00


Guide for Sunday Mass
Gather Faithfully Together

Cardinal Roger Mahony

Cardinal Mahony gives wonderfully powerful insight into how this celebration of Sunday can be made a reality to rejoice in. Also available in Spanish. Original:$5.00
SALE: $2.50
Lenten Journey
Rev. Thomas F. Catucci, Kathy Coffey
This Resource is designed to facilitate and enrich the faith journey of those moving throught the catechumenate during the important 6 weeks of Lent. 
Original: $4.50
SALE: $2.00

Resources for Children and Youth
Resource providing numerous ideas for planning and presenting effective, scripture-based, Lenten lessons with children. 
Original: $5.50
SALE: $2.25


Modern Liturgy Bulletin Inserts
Paul Turner

Turner explores topics Catholics frequently ask. Includes a floppy disk and permission to photocopy. 
Original: $49.95
SALE: $25.00