Clearance Sale Descriptions 4 

Praying with the Word
David Haas

This is a book of daily prayers for anyone who wants to walk a prayerful path during the special seasons of the liturgical year.
Advent, Christmas, and Epiphany Original: $8.95
 SALE: $6.00
Lent, Holy Week, and Easter Original: $11.95
 SALE: $6.00
Psalm Prayers
David Haas
Liturgical composer David Haas offers prayers grounded in the psalms of the Hebrew scripture. 
Original: $5.95
SALE: $2.95
Sharing Catholic Social Teaching: Challenges and Directions
Reflections of the U.S. Catholic Bishops

This booklet explores how the Catholic community can better share the Church’s social justice tradition. Highlights the major themes of Catholic social teaching and provides recommendations for incorporating them in all forms of Catholic education and formation. 
Original: $2.95
SALE: $1.50
Preaching the Lectionary, 2nd Edition
The Word of God for the Church Today

Reginald H. Fuller
Fuller’s rich and reliable exegesis of the readings for Sundays and holydays for the three-year cycle of the lectionary. Carries the feasts added in the 1980s. Original: $19.95
SALE: $10.00
Real Presence
The Work of Eucharist
Nathan Mitchell
This publication examines some of the theological factors that are currently shaping disscussions of eucharist among Roman Catholics.  Original: $12.00
SALE: $6.00

Sunday Leader/Homilist Guide
Paule Freeburg, DC

This guide helps you bring more clarity and simplicity to the scripture texts adapted for children.
Year A Original: $29.95
             SALE: $16.00
Year C Original: $29.95
             SALE: $16.00
Preparing to Celebrate with Youth
Marilyn J. Sweet
This book aims to offer basic information on the principles underlying liturgy planning, the basics required to do this well with young people, and practical points to enable people tp prepare with some degree of comfort and skill. 
Original: $3.95
SALE: $1.99
Refreshed by the Word
John E. O’Brien

These books awaken readers to new and lively insights drawn from the lectionary readings.
Year C Original: $10.95
            SALE: $6.00
Sunday Morning
Gail Ramshaw

This book helps children and parents experience the wonder of our God and what the Church does on Sunday. 
Original: $15.95
SALE: $8.00
Principles for Inculturation of the Catechism of the Catholic Church
US Catholic Conference

This resource reflects on the meaning of culture and inculturation, addresses major challenges, and offers concrete recommendations to carry out a truly inculturated catechesis. Original: $1.95
SALE: $.99
Sacraments Revisited
What do they Mean Today?

Liam Kelly
This book gives a full account of the sacraments and the church and does so in a manner which is accessible and inviting. 
Original: $10.95
SALE: $6.00
The Breaking of the Bread
Eugene Laverdiere
Traces Luke's further development of the practice and theology of the Eucharist. This resource is a must for everyone interested in the origins and development of the Eucharist.
SALE: $6.00