Clearance Sale Descriptions 6
Understanding the Sacraments This video provides insight and inspiration for the celebration of the sacraments. Story, witness, and teaching by Thomas Richstatter, OFM. Original: $39.95 SALE: $20.00 |
What We Have Seen and Heard A Pastoral Letter on Evangelization from the Black Bishops of the United States The journey of Black Catholics in the United States Catholic Church. Original: $1.95 SALE: $.99 |
Vatican II in Plain English
Boxed Set of 3 Volumes Volume 1: The Council Bill Huebsch The story of Vatican II, rendering its documents in engaging sense lines. Includes speeches, a chronology, as well as a history of the previous church councils. Volume 2: The Constitutions Bill Huebsch, with Paul Thurmes An accessible rendering of the four constitutions of the Second Vatican Council, these volumes allow the reader to better understand and internalize the message of the council fathers in a spirit of reverence, prayer, and reflection. Volume 3: The Decrees and Declarations Bill Huebsch An accessible rendering of the nine decrees and three declarations of the Second Vatican Council, these volumes allow the reader to better understand and internalize the message of the council fathers in a spirit of reverence, prayer, and reflection. Original: $32.95 SALE: $18.00 |
Why Be Catholic? Understanding Our Experience and Tradition Richard Rohr, Joseph Martos This is a readable, thoughtful book that is attentive both to the significance of faith and to the challenges of contemporary life. Original: $6.95 SALE: $4.00
Words Around the
Fire Gail Ramshaw Here we find brief, strong reflections on the Hebrew scripture readings used at the Easter Vigil. The texts of the readings also are included. Original: $6.95 SALE: $4.00 Words Around the Font Gail Ramshaw Around the font, approaching the font, our tradition has some excellent words to say. Ramshaw reflects on 13 of these words, arranging them as in the order of the catechumenate. But they are not for catechumens and their sponsors and catechists only. Original: $8.95 SALE: $5.00 Words Around the Table Gail Ramshaw When we meet on Sunday, when we say the words and when we chant the words and the actions--these are explored in this book of meditations. Marginal notes indicate scriptural references Original: $8.95 SALE: $6.00 Purchase as a set for: $12.00