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A Guide to the
Lectionary for Masses with Children Peter Mazar and Robert Piercy Original: $8.95 SALE: $6.00 |
Anointing with
the Spirit The Rite of Confirmation Gerard Austin, OP Original: $12.95 SALE: $6.00 |
Called To
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Catholic Morality
Revisited Origins and Contemporary Challenges Gerard S. Sloyan Original: $9.95 SALE: $5.00 |
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Book of
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Breaking Open the
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Catholic Customs
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Confirmed as Children,
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Creating the Evangelizing
Parish Frank DeSiano Original: $11.95 SALE: $6.00
Treasures New and Old Traditions, Customs, and Practices Joanne Turpin Original: $6.95 SALE: $3.50 |
Confirmation A Parish Celebration (First Edition) Timothy Fitzgerald Original: $12.00 SALE: $7.00 |
Experience the Mystery:
Pastoral Possibilities for Christian
Mystagogy David Regan, CSSp Original: $11.95 SALE: $6.00 |
Foundations An Introduction to Faith in Our Time (revised) Kathleen R. Fischer and Thomas N. Hart Original: $13.95 SALE: $7.00 |
Confirmation Origins and Reform Aidan Kavanaugh, OSB Original: $12.95 SALE: $6.00 |
Gather Faithfully Together A Video Guide Original: $39.95 SALE: $25.00 |
God Speaks to Us in Feeding
Stories Mary Ann Getty-Sullivan Original: $17.95 SALE: $10.00 God Speaks to Us in Water Stories Mary Ann Getty-Sullivan Original: 17.95 SALE: $10.00 The Good Shepherd and the Child A Joyful Journey Sofia Cavalletti, Patrick Coulter, Gianna Gobbi, Silvana Montanaro Original: $17.95 SALE: $10.00 Purchase as a set for $22.00 |
Guide to the Revised
Lectionary Martin Connell Original: $5.00 SALE: $2.50 |
Listening to God’s Word
Series Eileen Drilling and Judy Rothfork Activities and Stories Year A Original:$15.00 SALE: $7.50 Year B Original: $15.00 SALE: $7.50 Adult’s Journal Year A Original: $5.00 SALE: $2.50 Year B Original: $5.00 SALE: $2.50 Year C Original:$5.00 SALE: $2.50 Child’s Journal Year A Original: $5.00 SALE: $2.50 |
Good Liturgy, Small Parishes Linda Osborn Original: $12.00 SALE: $7.00 |
Jesus of the Gospels Teacher, Storyteller, Friend, Messiah Arthur E. Zannoni Original: $12.95 SALE: $6.50 |
Liturgies of Lament J. Frank Henderson Original: $11.95 SALE: $5.50 |
Guide for Lectors Aelfred Rosser, OSB Original: $5.00 SALE: $2.75 |
Journeybread for the
Shadowlands: The Readings for the Rites of the Catechumenate,
RCIA Pamela Jackson Original: $12.95 SALE: $6.00 |
Liturgy in a Multicultural Community Mark R. Francis, CSV Original: $5.95 SALE: $2.00
Guide for Sunday Mass Gather Faithfully Together Cardinal Roger Mahony Original:$5.00 SALE: $2.50 |
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Modern Liturgy Bulletin
Inserts Paul Turner Original: $49.95 SALE: $25.00 |
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Psalm Prayers David Haas Original: $5.95 SALE: $2.95 |
Sharing Catholic Social
Teaching: Challenges and Directions Reflections of the U.S. Catholic Bishops Original: $2.95 SALE: $1.50 |
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Edition The Word of God for the Church Today Reginald H. Fuller Original: $19.95 SALE: $10.00 |
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Guide Paule Freeburg, DC Year A Original: $29.95 SALE: $16.00 Year C Original: $29.95 SALE: $16.00 |
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Sunday Morning Gail Ramshaw Original: $15.95 SALE: $8.00 |
Principles for Inculturation
of the Catechism of the Catholic Church US Catholic Conference Original: $1.95 SALE: $.99 |
Sacraments Revisited What do they Mean Today? Liam Kelly Original: $10.95 SALE: $6.00 |
The Breaking of the Bread Eugene Laverdiere Original:$12.00 SALE: $6.00 |
The Church Speaks About
Sacraments with Children Baptism,
Confirmation, Eucharist, Penance (Documentation) Commentary by Mark Searle Original: $4.50 SALE: $2.50 |
The Legend of the Bells Stories of the Human Spirit John Shea Original: $12.95 SALE: $7.00
The Sunday Lectionary Ritual Word, Paschal Shape Normand Bonneau Original: $14.95 SALE: $7.50 |
The Creed Revised
Edition Berard L. Marthaler Original: $19.95 SALE: $12.00 |
The Liturgical Year Adrian Nocent Original: $35.00 SALE: $20.00 |
Thinking Catholic Daniel Pilarczyk Original: $6.95 SALE: $3.95 |
The Good Shepherd and the
Child A Joyful Journey S. Cavalletti, P. Coulter, G. Gobbi, S. Montanaro Original: $16.00 SALE: $8.00 |
The New American Bible Original: $14.95 SALE: $8.00
To Love and Serve
Based Meditations Gerald Darring Year A Original: $6.95 SALE: $3.50 Year B Original: $6.95 SALE: $3.50 Year C Original: $6.95 SALE: $3.50 Purchase as a set for: $8.00 |
The Gospel of the Lord Reflections on the Gospel Readings Francis J. Moloney Year C Original: $11.95 SALE: $6.00 |
The Religious Potential of a
Child Experiencing Scripture and Liturgy with Young Children Sophia Cavalletti Original: $16.00 SALE: $8.00 |
Una Guia para la Misa
Dominical Reúnanse fielmente en asamblea Cardenal Rogelio Mahony Original: $5.00 SALE: $2.50 |
Understanding the Sacraments Original: $39.95 SALE: $20.00 |
What We Have Seen and Heard A Pastoral Letter on Evangelization from the Black Bishops of the United States Original: $1.95 SALE: $.99 |
Vatican II in Plain English
Boxed Set of 3 Volumes Bill Huebsch Original: $32.95 SALE: $18.00 |
Why Be Catholic? Understanding Our Experience and Tradition Richard Rohr, Joseph Martos Original: $6.95 SALE: $4.00 |
Words Around the
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