Implementing the Initiation Process
Celebrating the Rites of Adult Initiation
Victoria M. Tufano, editor
These essays look at the scrutinies, the rite of acceptance, and the
presentations, with commentaries on the minor exorcisms, the taking of a new
name, and the liturgy of the word. $7.95
Cenacle Sessions
A Modern Mystagogy
William R. Bruns
Cenacle Sessions, along with its
companion volume, Easter Bread, is a modern approach to mystagogy,
viewing it as a time to savor the experience of becoming a
Christian. $6.95
Christian Initiation of Adults
Liturgy Documentary Series 10
NCCB, Secretariat for
the Liturgy
Part of the NCCB Documentary Series. $5.95
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Come Follow Me
Resources for the Period of Inquiry in the RCIA
Joseph P. Sinwell,
A pastoral resource that is a collection of articles
and session outlines for use during the precatechumenate
period of the initiation process. $9.95
Journey to the Fullness of Life
A Report on the Implementation of the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults in
the United States
This is the report on a three-year national study by the U.S. bishops of the
implementation of the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults in the United
States. The study was done with the assistance of The North American Forum on
the Catechumenate. $4.95
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Liturgical Prayer in Catechumenate Team Formation
Mary Anne Ravizza
This book offers team formation for liturgical prayer along with reflections on
the nature of liturgical prayer. $8.95
One at the Table Preparing the Rites of Initiation The Reception of Baptized Christians
The Reception of Baptized Christians
Ronald Oakham
This book proposes a comprehensive, pastoral plan for adapting the principles of
initiation for the baptized candidates. $12.00
Bill Corcoran
A helpful resource for understanding the vital relationship
of the initiation rites with the life of the community.$3.95
Three Crucial Issues for Parishes
R. Oakham, M. Main, C. Barthel, M. Sullivan
This highly readable booklet addresses several issues with the already baptized
Christian, their inclusion in the catechumenate process, when to receive them,
and the sacrament of reconciliation. $1.95
The RCIA: Transforming the Church
Saying Amen: A Mystagogy Of Sacrament
Foundations in Faith
Catechist Manuals
These handbooks provide support on the journey of faith.
Handbook for Inquirers $4.95
Handbook for Neophytes $4.95
These Handbooks help you form your RCIA team with personal stories, reflections,
and practical suggestions.
Handbook for Sponsors $4.95
Handbook for Catechists $4.95
Handbook for Coordinators $4.95
Handbook for Priests $4.95
Handbook on Prayer
Leads your entire assembly, volunteers, and parish leaders into a
deeper life of prayer. $4.95
Precatechumenate Manual
RCIA:How Are We Doing?
Resource Book for Purification and
Enlightenment Year A,B,CRemembrance Book
Resource Book Mystagogia Year A, B, C
Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults
Director’s GuideCelebrating the Rites
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