Liturgical Year and Lectionary     Scripture       Ministries of Initiation    Forum Essays

Liturgical Year and Lectionary

The Cultural World of Jesus
Sunday by Sunday

John J. Pilch

The essays in this book present 1st century cultural reflections on the Gospel reading assigned for each Sunday in the particular cycle of the lectionary.
Year A $11.95

  Year B $11.95   Year C $11.95

Footprints on the Mountain
Preaching and Teaching the Sunday Readings

Roland James Faley

A complete and practical scriptural guide to the lectionary that includes background on all three cycles and suggestions for application.

Preaching the Lectionary, 2nd Edition
The Word of God for the Church Today

Reginald H. Fuller

Fuller’s rich and reliable exegesis of the readings for Sundays and holydays for the three-year cycle of the lectionary. Carries the feasts added in the 1980s. $19.95

Preaching the New Lectionary
Diane Bergant, CSA with Richard Fragomeni

This resource calls for a consideration of the liturgical character and setting of the lectionary readings.
Year A $29.95

Year B $29.95 Year C $29.95

Preparing the Liturgical Year
Corbin Eddy

This resource contains background to the seasons, practical applications of principles, and ideas for preparing the Church.
Vol. 1: Sunday and the Paschal Triduum $3.95

Vol. 2: Lent-Easter and Advent-Christmas $3.95

The Word We Celebrate
Patricia Sanchez

Sanchez offers accessible background and insights on each scripture text in the three-year cycle. Years A,B,C $29.95

Word and Worship Workbook
For Ministry in Initiation, Preaching, Religious Education and Formation

Mary Birmingham

These excellent resources provide foundation material grounded in the Gospel of Matthew (year A), of Mark (year B) and of Luke (year C), their attendant readings, and the celebration of liturgy.
Year A $44.95 Out of Print
Year B $44.95

Year C $39.95


Dining in the Kingdom of God
The Origin of the Eucharist in the Gospel of Luke

Eugene LaVerdiere

This book makes the connections between the Eucharist, the stories of the gospel and the
worshipping assembly. $12.00

Reading the New Testament
Second Edition

Pheme Perkins

Perkins offers a helpful background resource that outlines every book in the New Testament.

Reading the Old Testament
Lawrence Boadt, CSP

This is an updated, clearly written, carefully arranged, and comprehensive general introduction to the Old Testament. $14.95

Ministries of Initiation

A Catechumenate Needs Everybody
Study Guides for Parish Ministers

James A Wilde, editor

Whether you are just now implementing the catechumenate or have many years’ experience, this book is for you. Each chapter describes a different task related to Christian initiation. $9.00

Empowering Catechetical Leaders
Edited by Thomas H. Groome, Ed.D. and
Michael J. Corso, Ph.D
This collection of nine essays provides a current perspective on the field of catechetical leadership for parishes and schools. Topics include the principles of catechesis, the parish family as catechist, improving parish catechesis, and more.

Formation for the Catechumenate Team: RCIA Spirituality
Barbara Hixon, with reflection questions by Gael Gensler

This book challenges and inspires members of the Catechumenate team to continue their spiritual journey. $17.95

Guide for Sponsors
Ron Lewinski

Guidelines, activities, and prayers that will help sponsors as they guide the candidates, challenge them, listen to them, and share the faith with them.

When You Are An RCIA Sponsor
Rita Burns Senseman

This highly accessible resource offers reflections on and suggestions for sponsors, those who serve as companions and witnesses in the journey of adult initiation. Guidance is also offered for sponsoring

Forum Essays

The Role of the Assembly in Christian Initiation Forum Essays No. 1
Catherine Vincie, RSHM

What does it mean that the initiation of adults is the responsibility of all the baptized? How does the entire assembly actively participate in this ministry?$6.00

Eucharist as Sacrament for Initiation Forum Essays No. 2
Nathan D. Mitchell

Anyone who is serious about understanding the meaning of the Eucharist will find much to ponder in this book.

On the Rite of Election Forum Essays No. 3
Rita Ferrone

This book examines the history, shape, and theology of the rite with great insight into and analysis of the questions.

Preaching the Rites of Christian Initiation Forum Essays No. 4
Jan Michael Joncas

This book explores the role of preaching and its critical importance in the Liturgy of the Word, where the formation of catechumens take place.

Liturgical Spirituality and the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults Forum Essays No. 5
Shawn Madigan

This Forum essay explores issues of spirituality based on the vision of the Rite.$6.00

Images of Baptism Forum Essays No.6
Maxwell E. Johnson

This book explores other images of Baptism from tradition in addition to dying and rising, for example, rebirth and adoption. It will deepen your appreciation of the sacrament of Baptism and suggest other appropriate feasts for its celebration.