Prayer       Pastoral Issues


An Everyday Book of Hours
William G. Storey

An excellent resource for introducing newcomers to the biblical form of prayer known as the Liturgy of the Hours. Built out of the psalms, scriptural canticles, and readings from Scripture, the cycle of morning prayer and evening prayer immerse one in the poetic word of God sung, proclaimed, and savored in all its richness.$15.00

Book of Catholic Prayer
Edward Bliven

This book is divided into four sections: Guidelines for Christian Living; Praying with the Church; Meditative Prayer; and the Sacraments and Christian Life. $9.95

Catholic Household Blessings and Prayers
A beautifully illustrated Catholic prayerbook containing prayers that have marked the joys, the sorrows, and routines of many generations.

Keeping Lent, Triduum, and Eastertime
Revised edition

A book of prayer for all the days from Ash Wednesday to Pentecost, this resource includes morning, evening, and night prayers, as well as meal prayers and daily scripture references. $3.00

Lord Hear Our Prayer Revised edition
Compiled by William G. Storey, DMS

This handsome and comprehensive collection offers prayers from scripture and tradition for groups and personal prayer during the seasons of the Church year, a one-week form of prayer, night prayer, and various devotions.

Night Prayer From the Liturgy of the Hours, Revised Edition
This slim and very usable prayer resource offers an excellent way to introduce catechumens and candidates to the prayer of the Church built around the psalms and other scripture.$4.95

Paths To Prayer
Robert F. Morneau

This book outlines the principles of prayer, habits of prayerful people, and advice to overcome obstacles to prayer. $9.95

Pastoral Issues

Annulment A Step by Step Guide for Divorced Catholics
Ronald T. Smith

This helpful, up-to-date guide cuts through the red tape and confusing terminology and explains what a person needs to do to obtain an annulment in the Catholic Church. $9.95

Becoming Catholic Even if You Happen to Be One
James Kilgallon, Mary O’Shaughnessy, Gerard Weber

This resource provides an overview of the basic beliefs, teachings, and practices of the Catholic faith.$8.95

The Catechumenate Answer Book Modern Liturgy Answers the 101 Most Asked Questions
Paul Turner

This book is organized along the sequence of events in a catechumen’s or candidate’s journey.$18.95

The Catechumenate and the Law A Pastoral and Canonical Commentary for the Church in the US
John M. Huels

Huels reviews aspects of Christian initiation that are affected by the Church’s various sources of canon law.

Catholics & Fundamentalists Understanding the Difference
Martin Pable

This book concisely presents the basic differences of Catholics and fundamentalists in their understanding of the Bible and the meaning of salvation.

The Code of Canon Law
Canon Law touches every aspect of the life of Christian people, and affects pastoral work at all levels. USA Edition $45.00

Discerning Disciples
Donna Steffen

A helpful resource to explore personal discernment and discernment in the Rite. $9.95

Fulfilled in Your Hearing The Homily in the Sunday Assembly
US Bishops’ Committee on the Liturgy

This resource offers a practical examination of the principal ingredients for effective homilies.$3.95

Gospel Light
John Shea

Storyteller Shea opens the eyes of the soul and helps us put on the mind of Christ so we can see in a new light. $14.95

Lay Presiding The Art of Leading Prayer
Kathleen Hughes, RSCJ

Hughes provides a practical and profitable guide for those who are asked to lead a group in prayer.$4.00

The Lent, Triduum, and Easter Answer Book Modern Liturgy Answers the 101 Most Asked Questions
Paul Niemann

Any parishoner who wants to understand the Paschal Mystery more deeply will find this to be a valuable resource. $14.95

Preparing the Assembly to Celebrate
Kim Aldi

This book offers fundamental principles and a host of tips born of successful pastoral experience to enable the principles of initiation for the baptized candidates.$3.95

Preparing the Eucharistic Table
Barry Glendinning

This resource explores the richness of the Liturgy of the Eucharist and how to prepare a festive, nourishing Table of the Eucharist.

Preparing the Table of the Word
Normand Bonneau

This book helps readers make better sense of what they are proclaiming, and provides homilists with new insights for their homily preparation and preaching.$3.95

The Three Days Parish Prayer in the Paschal Triduum
Gabe Huck

Huck discusses in detail the principal liturgies of the Triduum: Holy Thursday night, Good Friday, the Vigil.$11.95

Welcoming the New Catholic Third Edition
Ron Lewinski

This much-acclaimed book is an excellent introduction to the initiation of adults. If you have the original edition, get this one to update and review your ministry.$10.00

Yes, I Can Believe!
Frank DeSiano

This book sets forth a way to discover the treasure of the Catholic faith. $2.50

Your Life Story Self Discovery and Beyond
Edward J. O’Heron

O’Heron encourages the reader to see his or her own life story as the key to spiritual growth through imagination, memory, and prayer exercises.$8.95