Reconciliation      General Theology and Catechesis


Reconciliation and Penance (Reconciliatio et Paenitentia)
Pope John Paul II

Post-Synodal Apostolic Exhortation, December 2, 1984.

A Reconciliation Sourcebook
Joseph Favazza, Kathleen Hughes, RSCJ

Poetry and prose, hymns and prayers from various times and traditions on the themes of sin, forgiveness, and reconciliation.

Reconciliation: Mission and Ministry in a Changing Social Order
Robert Schreiter

This small and accessible volume offers holistic theological insights to pastoral ministers of reconciliation. $13.00

The Reconciling Community
James Dallen

Through studies of the forms this sacrament has taken in the past, Dallen illustrates how the Church can exercise the ministry of reconciliation both now and in the future.

Reconciling Embrace A Symposium on Reconciliation
Edited by Robert Kennedy

A collection of presentations- theological, pastoral,
anthropological, and historical, all from a Forum-sponsored symposium on reconciliation. $12.00

The Reconciling Parish A Process for Returning or Alienated Catholics
Patrick J. Brennan

This analysis recommends a blending of the initiation process and the ancient Order of Penitents into a remember, return, and rebirth process to the alienated.

ReMembering The Ministry of Welcoming Alienated and Inactive Catholics
Sarah Harmony

A parish program of reconciliation to meet the special needs of alienated and inactive Catholics.$6.95

Removing the Barriers The Practice of Reconciliation
James Dallen and Joseph Favazza

This book calls us to talk about, rethink, and take another look at the way we do things, to forsake the security of the familiar and to take a new road home.$5.95

General Theology and Catechesis

The Catechetical Documents A Parish Resource
Martin Connell, editor

This book features a collection of the major teachings of the Church on catechesis from Vatican Council II until the present. $22.00

Catechism of the Catholic Church
This resource presents the complete doctrine of the Catholic faith, in light of liturgy, scriptures, and tradition.
US Edition Soft Cover $14.95

US Edition Hard Cover $24.95

The Canadian edition is no longer available from Forum. Please call CCCB at 1-800-769-1147 to order your copy.

Directory for the Application of Principles and Norms on Ecumenism
Important guidelines on ecumenical relations from the Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity.$7.95

General Directory for Catechesis Congregation for the Clergy
This revision (1997) takes into account the Catechism of the Catholic Church and other magisterial teachings. Also available in Spanish. $19.95

Sowing Seeds Notes and Comments on the “General Directory for Catechesis”
With the goal of bringing the new General Directory for Catechesis to the widest possible audience, this companion follows the directory paragraph by paragraph. Commentary and notes tease out the main themes, highlight central points, and explain terms or clarify the text where necessary in order to offer insights and guidance. Also available in Spanish.

Our Hearts Were Burning Within Us
A Pastoral Plan for Adult Faith Formation in the United States

Presents the U.S. bishops pastoral plan for adult faith formation. Goals, principles, and content approaches are provided to help leaders as they reach out to the adults in their community. $5.95

Leader’s Guide to Our Hearts Were Burning Within Us
Resource Manual

This resource manual for the U.S. bishops’ plan for adult faith formation provides practical tools and resources to study the plan, examine its implications and to develop strategies to implement the plan. Includes the complete text of pastoral plan.

The People’s Catechism Catholic Faith for Adults
Raymond A. Lucker, Patrick J. Brennan, and Michael Leach, editors

This essential resource is designed to be read and used both by individuals and groups.$15.95

Sacramental Theology A General Theology
Kenan B. Osborne, OFM

Osborne presents the Roman Catholic approach to sacraments in general in a way which encompasses the teaching of Vatican II, contemporary Catholic theologians, and the ecumenical dimension.$9.95

The Sacraments How Catholics Pray
Thomas Richstatter, OFM

This is an introduction to the sacraments that explains the meaning of the rites, gives reasons for why Catholics do what they do, and tells something of the history of the sacraments to help the reader understand how Catholics pray.$7.95

Understanding Catholicism
Monika Hellwig

Hellwig examines all the great Catholic doctrines, showing the historical conditions they arose from and the meaning they have in the religious search of thoughtful people today.$11.95