International Challenges for U.S. Parishes
Contains the statement of the U.S. bishops and suggestions for implementation.
Assists parishes in nourishing greater ties of solidarity with all the peoples
of the world, especially the poor and persecuted. Also available in Spanish.
How to Order CLICK
Communities of Salt and Light
on the Social Mission of theParish
U.S. bishops’ statement on the seven elements of the social mission of
parishes as a framework for planning and assessing parish social ministry. Also
available in Spanish. $1.95 CURRENTLY UNAVAILABLE ONLINE
For Information on How to Order CLICK
Communities of Salt and Light: Parish
Practical, hands-on resource for acting on the U.S. bishops’ statement on the
social mission of the parish. Provides text, assessment tools, models, and a
variety of resources for parishes to integrate Catholic social teaching into
every aspect of parish life. $5.95 CURRENTLY UNAVAILABLE ONLINE
For Information on How to Order CLICK
Conscience in Conflict
How to
Make Moral Choices Kenneth R. Overberg
Provides a readable and up-to-date process for coming to decisions about crucial
contemporary personal and social questions. $10.95
Everyday Christianity
To Hunger
and Thirst for Justice
A brief reflection on the U.S. bishops’ statement, Communities of Salt and
Light. Discusses practical tools in Catholic social teaching. Also available
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Leaders Guide to “Sharing Catholic Social Teaching”
Stephen Colecchi
Ideal for religious educators at the diocesan and parish levels, this guide was
developed to help parish ministers and other adults study Catholic social
teaching. $5.95 CURRENTLY UNAVAILABLE ONLINE For Information on How to
A Handbook for Rural Ministry from the National
Catholic Rural Life Conference
This resource integrates sociological insights and contemporary Catholic
theology to produce a work that is both pastorally useful and intellectually
The Gospel on Campus
A Handbook
of Campus Ministry Programs and Resources (Second Edition)
This manual is a comprehensive guidebook for all those involved in campus
ministry and a valuable resource for those who work with youth and young adults.
A Harvest for God
Christian Initiation
in the Rural and Small-Town Parish Michael Clay Practical, step-by-step insights into
implementing the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults in a way that is
faithful to the rite and respectful of rural culture. Anyone who ministers in a
rural or small-town catechumenate will find this book a valuable aid. CURRENTLY UNAVAILABLE ONLINE Call 1-800-933-1800 to order directly from
The Rural Catechumenate
Michael Clay
This spiral bound handbook describes six aspects of the RCIA and places them
into a rural context. Community, Evangelization, Conversion, Apostolic
Life/Discipleship, Catechesis, and Liturgical Formation. Provides a brief
overview, highlights the ritual documentation, and examines the reality of rural
life ministry in each area.$8.00 CURRENTLY UNAVAILABLE ONLINE
The Catholic Experience of Small Christian Communities
Bernard J. Lee, S.M. with William V.D’Antonio
This is a consideration of the results of a wide-scale sociological study of the
appeal of small Christian communities and their meaning for the future of the
Church. $19.95
Communion and Mission
A Guide
for Bishops and Pastoral Leaders on Small Church Communities
Focuses on the development and progression of small church communities,
particularly in Hispanic communities. Highlights the emerging spirituality and
rich culture-faith expressions found in small church communities. From the U.S.
bishops’ Secretariat for Hispanic Affairs. English/Spanish edition. $6.95 CURRENTLY UNAVAILABLE ONLINE For
Information on How to Order CLICK
Creating Small Church Communities
A Plan for Restructuring the Parish andRenewing
Catholic Life
Arthur Baranowski
A revised edition, this introduction explains the hows and whys of parish
restructuring into small faith communities. $7.95